Gamelan Gambang Munggu: Sejarah, Restorasi, dan Regenerasi


I Nyoman Mariyana
Institut Seni Indonesia Denpasar


gambang, munggu, gending labdha, sempidi


I Nyoman Mariyana's book “Gamelan Gambang Munggu: Sejarah, Restorasi, dan Regenerasi” opens a window into the world of Balinese Karawitan by highlighting one of its most precious and rare cultural heritages, Gamelan Gambang. With an emphasis on the importance of preservation and regeneration, the book not only delves into the rich history and origins of Gamelan Gambang, but also exposes the restoration efforts of the centuries-old instrument. Through in-depth and analytical narrative, Mariyana invites readers to appreciate the beauty and complexity of traditional Balinese art, while highlighting the responsibility of the current generation in preserving the Gambang artistry for the future. This book is an invaluable resource for Karawitan lovers, researchers, and anyone interested in the richness of Balinese culture.


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2022 January 1

Details about this monograph

ISBN-13 (15)

978-623-5560-39-7 (PDF)

How to Cite

Gamelan Gambang Munggu: Sejarah, Restorasi, dan Regenerasi. (2022). Pusat Penerbitan LP2MPP Institut Seni Indonesia Denpasar.